Ubuntu 10.10's multitouch Unity UI demoed on Dell, makes multitasking look easy (video):
Want to see how multitouch works in Maverick Meerkat's Unity UI, but don't have a convertible tablet PC? You're in luck today, as Ubuntu Developers put together a handy-dandy video of the Ubuntu 10.10 interface running on their very own Dell Latitude XT2's dual-digitizer touchscreen. As you'd expect, the $2,400 convertible does a bang-up job as a tablet PC, playing Flash video and OpenGL games with ease, but the uTouch gestures appear to contribute to the overall experience by making window management a relative breeze. But in the immortal words of LeVar Burton, you don't have to take our word for it -- see for yourself right after the break, while we pray for Canonical to reconsider its stance on a dedicated tablet version of Ubuntu.